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Surrender all fear

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

I think back sometimes to when I was a child, how simple life was at that point in time. Do you ever think back to those days and wish that maybe today was a little simpler? I'm sure we all do. Who ever thought that in 2022 we would be experiencing so much in our World. Many people are living in fear, suffering from anxiety and depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and so much more. I just wanted to write a little note to you letting you know how I stay away from fear in these trying times.

It took me a while to be able to surrender all fear to God. Our human minds have not been programmed like that, we all know the fight or flight mode. When situations around you become overwhelming, or you are becoming fearful of something, take a moment for yourself. I ask that you go inside yourself, go into your heart, surrender that situation to God, the Universe, or any other being you worship.

In Love & Light,


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