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Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need

How can Crystals help me in my healing process or everyday life?

The traditional healing crystals all share the same attributes, and for the most part, have been scientifically studied, to see how these crystals can be used to help to heal.

They are able to re-energize the body by helping to release energy blocks, encouraging the body to heal itself. Crystal healing is valid for both the psychosomatic, emotional, and physical levels. Let’s take a look at the top 10 benefits of healing crystals:

  1.  It can help speed recovery from injury and illness, illness, disease, and disruptions to the flow of the body’s energy increasing confidence and emotional calm, which will help to heal any physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual issues.

  2. It strengthens the immune system, helps to regulate heartbeat and the rhythm of the body, and helps to keep muscles strong.

  3. It helps to lower blood pressure and can also be used to help with cancer treatment.

  4. It relieves stress and anxiety and can help to improve overall health.

  5. It helps to provide a feeling of longer-lasting relaxation and can even support emotional healing and forgiveness.

  6. It supports a person’s right to heal themselves from illness, injury, or illness.

  7. It enables them to speak and understand their own feelings.

  8. It helps with physical and emotional pain, suffering, and grief.

  9. It helps to connect with a higher level of consciousness.

  10. It enhances a blissful flow of energy throughout the body.

Source (The Top 10 Benefits of Healing Crystals and Common Use (

What crystals should I start with?

There are so many options when starting and exploring crystals, here is what I recommend:

1. Clear Quartz: The Master Healer

An essential crystal healing tool and a good choice for your first crystal. Do not be fooled into thinking this crystal is boring. Clear Quartz crystals are probably the most versatile crystals and can be programmed for any purpose. They can direct energies and enhance the energy of other crystals. Quartz is cleansing, helps bring clarity while also keeping your energy and aura bright and strong.


2. Amethyst: The Psychic Powerhouse

It may be suitable for beginners but it can still blow your socks off (it has intense energy). Super spiritual Amethyst connects you with your spiritual power. Deeply cleansing, this violet form of Quartz purifies and transmutes negative energy. You can also use Amethyst for protection and developing your natural psychic abilities.


3. Tiger’s Eye: The Confidence Builder

This banded golden-brown stone carries a more masculine energy. Tiger’s Eye is the ideal crystal for helping you build your self-confidence and self-belief. You can also use Tiger’s Eye for protection too. This golden stone connects us with the Earth, making it a good choice for grounding yourself.


4. Rose Quartz: The Earth Mother

Possibly the ultimate comfort crystal. Rose Quartz is the Mother of all crystals. Gentle and soothing, it helps heal emotional pain. Opening the Heart Chakra it allows you to feel compassion for others and yourself. This is a crystal for attracting loving relationships but also the self-love stone.

Can you explain your services you offer?

At the Angelic Realm we offer a multitude of services for your well-being. 


1. Energetic Clearings - Everything is energy. Our body is made of energy and our emotions are energy.

When these energies get stuck, it causes an energy blockage. The energy is no longer able to flow easily and freely. Like a dam, it gets stuck and more energy builds up behind it until there is a vast amount of stuck energy. This stuck energy can cause dis-ease, pain and illness. With my energetic clearings I can tap into your energy source distantly, with your consent of course, and clear away any energetic blockages. Once completed I will send you a message with what came up for you and what was cleared away to allow the energy to flow freely. 


2. Energetic Healings - If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your body an energetic healing may be for you. This allows me to focus in on an area and clear away anything that may be causing you pain or discomfort. Again this can be done distantly with your consent. If you are on the Avalon in Newfoundland, 1-on-1 in person sessions can be arranged, please contact me for more information.  


3. Medium Services - Losing a loved one is never easy. I wish there was a special formula I could tell you about that takes the pain away. While I can’t do that, I can tell you how healing it can be to connect with the spirit of your deceased loved one. Mediums have a unique gift that allows them to connect with the spirit world and relay messages back and forth. This session would be done over a private zoom video conference. 

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